Screen Grab | P-WAVE PRESS



Screen Grab

L.A. Davenport
Screen Grab by LA Davenport
Pages: 50
ISBN: 9781999595715
A teenage girl desperate for reconciliation with her absent father; a homeless man building a home in an abandoned cottage; a brutal sexual predator grooming victims in online chat rooms.

Three worlds on a collision course, with potentially devastating consequences. But will the truth about Lauren’s father come out before it’s too late?

Screen Grab is a disturbing and thought-provoking novella from the collection No Way Home.

Published: September 2018

Learn more

You can read about the inspiration behind, and genesis of, all of the stories in No Way Home, and much more, here.

About the Author

L.A. Davenport is an Anglo-Irish author and journalist based in Stamford, Lincolnshire. He has been writing stories and more since he was a wee bairn, as his grandpa used to say.

Among other things, he likes long walks, typewriters and big cups of tea.

To learn more about L.A. Davenport and his writing, visit Pushing the Wave.
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Screen Grab | P-WAVE PRESS

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