Sunlight | P-WAVE PRESS




L.A. Davenport
Sunlight by LA Davenport
Pages: 17
ISBN: 9781916164086
A slave on the run from a plantation in the southern states of America finds himself in a desert valley with no food or water.

His fascination with his surroundings soon turns to dread as he faces a poisonous snake, and then his own mortality.

Will he make it to nightfall and get out of the valley before the slave catchers track him down?

Published: August 2023


Brevity at its bestSunlight is a brief, informative, rather captivating, insightful, concise book. Angelwatch, Amazon
A well written story with vivid descriptions of a man on the run trying to survive his desert crossing. Mary James, Amazon

Learn more

You can read more about the genesis, and slow evolution of Sunlight, here.

About the Author

L.A. Davenport is an Anglo-Irish author and journalist based in Stamford, Lincolnshire. He has been writing stories and more since he was a wee bairn, as his grandpa used to say.

Among other things, he likes long walks, typewriters and big cups of tea.

To learn more about L.A. Davenport and his writing, visit Pushing the Wave.
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Sunlight | P-WAVE PRESS

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